Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sydney, another beginning.

After my lovely little holiday in Perth, I decided to head on to Sydney. This time I uprooted, left Melbourne and set up base in Sydney. Honestly I was a little skeptical about Sydney. From my last visit, I felt it was too metropolitan, made me feel like I was in Singapore. One of the reasons I decided to move there was to spend time with Prama & family. Especially the little ones, Lakshman and my godchild, Githanjali. I've been really fortunate that they've offered to rent me their lovely guest house.

As soon as I came to Sydney, the job hunt started, I must say it wasn't very easy to find a job here. I was lucky enough to land a job with home furnishing Swedish giant, IKEA. I got a job at the IFS (IKEA Food Services) department. I was trained to work in the little bistro that serves hot dogs, ice cream, donuts and calzones. The work is pretty simple and my colleagues are a rather fun, young bunch. IKEA is a great place to work as they really care for their staff and the benefits are pretty grand.

Thus my journey around New South Wales begins!